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(Radio) Surviving Lagos – Food Spots

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The Surving Lagos Podcast hosted by ROG Djs  is an all Nigerian cast sharing their experiences  living in the largest black City in the world!  Featuring Dj Chi Chi MD, Teck ZIlla, Dj Moti Cakes, Dj Chi Chi, Dj Macc, Dj Torlybee, Dj Emeter and many more special guests! Tune in online with  new Episodes every Friday at 8pm (Central African Time) on ROG Radio Africa!

As part of our #DataIsLife campaign, Stream this episode and tell us on instagram (@rogmusicafrica) what was the question for listeners  and win Data Bundles and other cool prizes from ROG and Airtel!

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Featuring #rogdjpodcast #scratchingthesurface @teckzilla108 @moticakes @dj_emeter @deejay_macc @drchichinwokoro 🔋🔋STREAM #rogmusicafrica stream full Podcasts and TV Shows in our bio📍+ Giveaways to lucky #comment and #like #DoubleTap for GoodLuck ✌ @roggangafrica @mediaguide.ng ************************************************** Also Check Out : @rogtvafrica @ROGMusicAfrica @ROGradioAfrica For Everything #african Check Out Our #Instagram #Stream #Love #Live #Life #Enjoy #podcast Watch On: #TV #Radio #Online Featured: #Dj #djs #podcast #deejay #tiwasavage #tundeednut #Wizkid #bbnaija #instablog9ja #davido #picoftheday #summertime Locations: #Africa **************************************************

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